Aug 8, 2023Liked by Simon Peng

Excellent analysis and thoughtful essay. I loved how you seamlessly brought AI into the conversation, as though you had been leading up to that point the whole time - yet successfully made it about much, much more. Bravo - liked and shared! <3

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This essay offers so much brain food that it will take me some days to digest. Brilliant!

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I always think when we first become embarrassed in our lives or realize people may be looking at us... That is when the creativity stops. Usually around ages 5-6, I believe. And then if you become an artist, your journey is trying to grab it back and hold on to it as then you realize how truly dear it is. Great article! And I love this last part of 'I’m just another human who happens to engage with them at different levels.' As tthat was definitely a life lesson for me as well. Realizing that we don't learn the same, and how that's okay.

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